Institutional Research

Looking for the statistical data about Gwynedd Mercy University? GMercyU’s Institutional Research team collects, analyzes and presents assessment and other data and information on Gwynedd Mercy University student demographics, learning outcomes, and other indicators.
Working with other University stakeholders, the IR team prepares and presents data to demonstrate how Gwynedd Mercy University is achieving its mission and objectives. We complete external reports and surveys, and provide data to government and accrediting agencies, professional organizations, and educational guides and directories. We also regularly share data internally to assess our progress in meeting stated objectives and identify areas for improvement.

We subscribe to the AIR code of ethics.

Data Resources & Related Links

GMercyU Assessment

At GMercyU, we are committed to assessing student learning at the course, program and institutional level. We collect, analyze and report on data to assess our progress in meeting stated objectives and identify areas for improvement. Our efforts to promote a culture of continuous improvement also extend to many other areas of the University.

We provide data to government and accrediting agencies, professional organizations, and educational guides and directories. We also regularly share data internally to assess our progress in meeting stated objectives, and identify areas for improvement. For more information and links to various assessment tools and reports, visit our Student Achievement page.


GMercyU Faculty and Student Demographic Snapshot

View here


GMercyU Surveys


Dr. Jing Gao
215-646-7300, ext. 21221